Discover How the Top 1% of

Vision Driven

Leaders, Creators

and Entrepreneurs

Supercharge Their Health and Build Successful Businesses

at the Same Time.

Hey there, rockstar!

You’re strong, successful and driven by purpose.

You find a way to handle anything life puts in your path. 

Your life’s mission is to leave this planet better than when you got here… so your ambition is fueled by something greater than yourself.

Many aspiring dream chasers still assume they must sacrifice their well-being for success…

This is NOT TRUE.

In fact, it’s the total opposite!

You can…

  • look like a million bucks
  • feel unstoppable in your skin
  • unleash your Life-given superpowers

…while still being a total BOSS in your biz — effortlessly.

I know because I’ve seen the transformation happen countless times.

Meaningful results,

real-life magic.

"...I’ve lost 20 pounds, I’m the healthiest version of myself, I’m more confident and comfortable with my body than ever before, my eating and wellness habits have changed, and I know there is no way in hell I’ll ever turn back!"
Amber Rae
Global Voice for Emotional Wellness & Best Selling Author
“... I met Sylvia, and everything changed. She listened to my story and immediately picked up on exactly what I needed. She provided workout and nutrition guidance to help me get my physical and mental edge back. Three months later, I'm in the best shape since college. I'm hooked!”
Ted Gonder
Former International Impact Entrepreneur-in-Residence at The White House
"Sylvia taught me real-life, practical 'magic' that helped me shift my mindset. I'm guided by what I learned with her every day. It's had a ripple effect that totally radiates out into my friends and family, and especially my work!"
Aerica Shimizu Banks
Investor & Advocate for Women Entrepreneurs
“After each session I felt more confident, accomplished, ready to conquer the day and face anything life put in my path with an open mind and heart…she has empowered me for life. She helped me find my ‘True North’!”
Jade Estebe
Chief Mate Unlimited for the United States Coast Guard
I feel truly rewired!…This is something that I could do FOREVER…I can definitely SEE the physical changes in my body but overall it’s the changes in my spirit, and the way I conceive and approach MOVEMENT, that I’m happiest about.”
Maria Jose Cortes
Head of Environmental, Social and Governance
“...having Sylvia at my side as my ally was God-sent. She inspired my creative flow and helped guide peak performance for both myself and my teams in ways I couldn’t have imagined…Sylvia has been the ‘Possibly Muse’ I didn’t even know I needed!
Dr. Kate Maloney
Executive Producer of the 'WeRiseUP' Documentary
“ all-around combination of physical, mental and emotional 'workouts’ that fuel my whole spirit."
Edward Zaydelman
International Event Producer & CEO VIDA Retreat Center
“I had always had resistance to certain health avenues. With Syl, we explored MY way of feeling healthy…I received all the tools and support I needed to empower my body and my inner goddess in ways that felt easeful and fun!”
Carolina Leñero
Conscious Business Advisor

You, too, can easily manifest all this (and more!)…


By creating a purposeful plan, intentionally customized JUST FOR YOU…plus, your new secret weapon (ME!)

My BODY+SOUL REBOOT program has already helped the best of the best transform their lives.

There are 3 spaces available right now – one of them has YOUR name on it!



STOP giving away your power when it comes to YOUR HEALTH.

START recalibrating your body to the frequency of mindful boundaries that keep YOUR SOUL in shape as much as your abs.

STOP blowing off the stuff that truly matters to you when it comes to YOUR WELL-BEING.

START taking tangible steps that flex the JOY muscles of YOUR HEART as much as your bank account.

STOP force feeding yourself “discipline” when it comes to YOUR WORKOUTS.

START syncing up YOUR MIND to a more easeful approach to movement, attuned to the phases, cycles and rhythms of Nature.

STOP doubting your innate wisdom when it comes to YOUR NUTRITION.

START trusting the intuitive self-nourishing technology embedded within YOUR BODY and its miraculous little cells!

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman




Your fitness and wellness, elevated. A TOTAL health transformation for a body reborn and a life reignited – without overhauling your lifestyle.


Reinvigorate your body and rekindle ease of movement and your love for life. Free up tight muscles and stiff joints so you can enjoy the adventures you’ve been putting off ’cause you’re “too tired” and “too out of shape.”


Release stubborn weight with bite-sized conscious nutrition guidanceFuel your cells and unify the connection between your mind, heart, gut and intuition for a leaner physique that comes from more self-aware choices


Restore balance to a frazzled nervous system by “getting high on your own supply.” Discover how to prime your body’s “inner pharmacy” to boost energy and eliminate stress.


Attune your body’s electromagnetic frequencies with non-woo-y, science-backed practices. Put the “holy” back into your holistic self-care rituals to attract freaky, self-healing miracles.



“Sylvia is a Jedi Princess on pleasurable fitness and nourishment for increased manifestation and lifestyle magic!”
Tara Green
Marketing & Sales Strategist
“...I learned things about myself that went further than just diet or training. Her message inspired me to become the best ME that I had no idea even existed!"
Monet Colbert
CEO of 'Shades of Monet' Cosmetics
“...has me excited about tackling my daily workouts…My focus and intention to create a better ‘me’ is all a result of her incredibly positive energy and true desire to see me become a better human."
Joe Chishom
Cast & Crew of OSCAR Award Winning Documentary, 'The Cove
"I was amazed to see what she could do with our group in 9 minutes – I felt alive, healthy, and energized after every session."
Cloe ShaSha
TED Conferences Program Producer
"Sylvia walked beside me and opened me up to bring me back to life. That is revolutionary, it's a huge step for me. I feel filled with care, support and fun that shines from the inside through all the guidance she’s given me."
Jennifer Bradshaw Almond
Chiropractic Assistant
"Sylvia could really “see” me and took me beyond anything I believed I could accomplish. She pushed me, supported me, and took me to my peak. She coached me to find my passion again…"
Marissa Herring
CEO of Garage Mama Fitness
“Syl's a force to be reckoned with - an inspiration; a motivator; a wealth of knowledge with a huge heart to boot!"
Roxanne Diaz
VP of Operations for a Fortune 500 Company
"Two phone calls with Sylvia feel more life-changing than all the infomercial diet fad products I have bought and discarded for over two decades, combined!"
Tanya Malott
Photojournalist to Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Malala Yousafzai
"Her knowledge and positive energy helped me get back on track to lose the extra weight I’d put on and get my body feeling strong and toned again. I HIGHLY recommend working with Syl…and you won’t be the same person once you meet her."
Kay Lilly
"This week has been awesome for me because of the tips Sylvia shared with me before I hit the road. I have been owning myself and my goals this week, and cannot wait to get home and start following my meal plan!"
Kimberly Miller Davis
Director of Political Programs & Federal Affairs at Johnson & Johnson



  • Resurrect Your Youthful Essence. Reverse aging on the cellular and soul level so your radiate enthusiasm in every part of your life.
  • Science Meets Sacred. Discover how to evoke a heart-felt sense of service (instead of forced “discipline”) towards the amazing human staring back at you in the mirror.
  • Motivation & Momentum. Wake up excited to jump out of bed every morning to get sh*t done from a place of JOY.


  • Consistency and Confidence. Finally get that fit, fierce body you’ve been vision boarding about for years.
  • Supersize Self-Trust. Hustle with heart on the things that are truly important to you without sacrificing your well-being.
  • Mini Shifts, Massive Transformation. Break “bad” habits and amplify empowering behaviours that produce meaningful results with long term staying power – the forever kind.


  • Emotional Agility & Resilience. Restore harmony to your nervous system for a sense of spacious calm even when you’re navigating the most jam-packed day.
  • Spirit-Fueled Stamina. Ignite your life force naturally so you can stay in flow with your soul’s divine mission… without having to reach for that 5th cup of coffee.
  • Magnificence Mode – ON! Activate your body’s feel-good X-factor for less stuckness, sickness and crisis while creating more ‘YES!’ to the things that make you feel blissfully ALIVE.
"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a new and richer experience.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Love, Praise and High-5s

“I’ve known Sylvia for decades -- personally and professionally as an athlete, fitness professional and through entrusting her with leading my team as one of my Master Trainers. I’ve seen very few fitness professionals care about helping their people at the profound level that Sylvia shows up for those she serves...and it shows in the results she consistently produces."
Billy Beck III
Personal Trainer to Tony Robbins
“She’s an incredible mentor who inspires and educates people on the importance of cultivating the health of their spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing FIRST so they can thrive in all areas of their life...Sylvia is one of those women who just knows you and can hear what your soul is wanting.
Kerrie Lee Brown
Former Editor-in-Chief for Oxygen Women's Fitness Magazine
““In the space of five minutes, Sylvia can go from excavating a game-changing profound truth that will suddenly connect decades of disconnected fragments of your life to enrolling you in your own greatness at such a high level you'll be grinning ear to ear and feeling like a superhero in your own skin...Sylvia’s a legend and a half who will transform your life in a way that is so beyond words….”
Ashley Good
Senior Leader to Tony Robbins Platinum Partners
"Whenever I’m with her, I’m learning something new about myself. Her wisdom is the kind that makes me take notice, and listen."
Ryan Van Duzer
Adventure Filmmaker & Celebrity YouTuber
"Sylvia's insights help me every day. Her practical model for fitness and wellness even impacts where I park my car! I admire her authenticity and verve and benefit immensely from her knowledge and enthusiasm."
Mary Anne Radmacher
World Renowned Inspirational Author & Artist
"Sylvia knows what it takes to help others reach their true potential. Her positive energy is contagious and inspires you to want to be the best person you can possibly be just by being in her presence!”
John Pierre
Celebrity Lifestyle Coach & World Renowned Vegan Activist
“For almost two decades I’ve watched Sylvia help hundreds of people all over the world transform themselves in all areas of their lives...I’ve never ever seen someone with such authenticity, simplicity and capacity to touch souls...her strong and unbeatable spirit makes her the best ally for anyone looking for outer and inner strength..."
Gwen Des Vallieres
Commercial Pilot & Yoga Teacher
“Sylvia has an uncanny ability to see the best in others and show them how to access their greatness so they can shine and share their gifts.
Josh Greenfield
Former MTV Cooking Show Host & Celebrity YouTuber



Virtual Fitness Muse

Custom-tailored guidance from a 2x World-Champion Fitness Athlete, Celebrity Personal Trainer, intention-focused Wellness Consultant and spiritually-minded Life Coach with 20+ years of professional experience and who’s walked 50+ years of a self-healing path similar to yours.

High-Vibe Habit Kickstart

The foundational springboard to your transformational quest. An in-depth lifestyle audit to begin uprooting those sneaky culprits sabotaging your thinking, behaviors, patterns and habits…that you may not even realize are keeping you stuck! (90+ minutes)

YOU-Powered Blueprint

A weekly game plan that flows with your busy schedule and primes you for sustainable progress every step of the way towards Whole-Self Health. (co-created at each session)

On-Demand Q&A.

You have me right in your back pocket with daily-ish weekday check-ins, accountability and inspiring nudges to stay on track and fully on purpose en route to that kickass body and life you’ve been yearning for. (via email, text, voice memos or video check-ins)

Bi-Weekly Check-Ins

Supercharge results with intimate, highly intentional action-focused sessions 2x per month to optimize soul-level success. (30 to 60 minutes)

Personalized Resource Library

Custom-tailored YOU-specific resources to anchor in new neural patterns, deepen empowering behaviours and turbo boost transformation. (delivered within 48 hours post session via Google Docs).


Because this incredible opportunity is completely individualized to YOU, I must limit enrollment. 

There are currently 3 spaces available.

Sign up now to reserve your spot and claim the health and success that you deserve.


1. Select the option below that works best for you.

2. Once I’ve received notice that you’ve officially secured your spot, you’ll receive a direct email from me within 24 hours to set up our first 90-minute Kickstart Session.

3. You’ll be all set to start awesomizing your body and your life – easy breezy. Yay!



$ 599
  • You + me for 4 weeks.
  • Month-to-month, cancel anytime.


$ 999
SAVE $350
  • You + me for 8 weeks.
  • +BONUS 1 Additional Week (9 weeks total)
  • Paid in full only.


$ 999
SAVE $99 each
  • You + me + a friend for 4 weeks.
  • Month-to-month, cancel anytime.
  • Sign up and start your individual monthly programs together
  • Coaching will still be 100% private and individually customized.
  • Paid in full only.

Got Questions?

Text me
 (954) 873 0778
"I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.”
Diane Ackerman